Nice Guy Recovery

How could being nice be a problem?

Do you avoid conflict so much that it creates frustration in your life with your partner, family, or friends and damages or destroys your relationships?

Do you focus on helping others and being liked so much that you neglect finding your passion and pursuing your purpose in life?

Do you focus on being perfect, hiding your flaws, and feel terrified that people will find out who you really are?

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Couples Therapy


Intimate relationship is where we can find the deepest support, love, and connection we desire. Having a healthy relationship is also the number one predictor of satisfaction with life.

Yet it’s often the place where we suffer the most, feel unmet, and struggle with our deepest wounding.

PACT therapy offers an amazing path to quickly reconnect to your loved one, develop deeper levels of trust, and learn new skills to help overcome the challenges in your relationship.









Teen Therapy

Do you find yourself wondering what went wrong? Are you scared about how your teenager is behaving and where they might end up?

Being a teenager today offers an uprecedented host of challenges with modern technology like video game, internet, and pornography addiction. Our kids are also exposed to a wide range of substances, drugs, and alcohol.

It can be confusing and scary as a parent to see your kids suffering and wondering what to do.

There is hope for your teenager and I offer specialized support for helping your teen overcome their challenges, find their passion, and connect more deeply with you and your family.


EMDR Trauma Therapy

Do you find yourself distressed and triggered by seemingly random things like sounds, smells, people’s faces, or memories?

Do you find it impossible to “simply relax” and deeply enjoy life?

Trauma has a profound impact on our ability to live day to day life, have enriching relationships, and feel safe.

EMDR has been clinically proven as an evidence based treatment for PTSD and other traumas with over 80 research studies to prove it: there is a reliable and clear path to heal from your trauma.

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About Me

As a clinician, I bring my years of personal work and training in psychology to help guide my clients in their own transformation.  My primary guides are my connection with nature, meditation, and my wise child. In my practice I bring a gentle honesty, compassion, and openness which is grounded by my training in trauma treatment and psychotherapeutic technique.
